Are we expected to reach spiritual perfection to attain Salvation? Teens Day Q&A

Are we expected to reach spiritual perfection to attain Salvation? 


Sometimes we believe that God only grants Salvation for those who are perfect. However, this should not deter us from developing our spiritual lives.

Jesus told us “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48

But how do we do this? Fr Anthony Messeh explains that we must strive for perfection knowing that we are never going to reach it. However, not reaching perfection doesn’t mean were not striving for it!

We need commit ourselves fully to God! Pursue Salvation but know that you will fall short but the beauty is that God has already accommodated the falling of short through the institution of the Sacrament of Confession.

Check out our website and YouTube channel for more Teens Day questions answered by our beautiful panel of speakers!

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