How can we overcome the struggle of sexual addiction in such a desensitised world? Teens Day Q&A
How can we overcome the struggle of sexual addiction in such a desensitised world?
Concerns regarding sexual addiction, such as pornoography and masturbation, is a frequently asked topic by not only teens but adults as well. Fr Anthony mentions that the key to the spiritual life is to focus on the positives and not the negatives.
In confession, Fr Anthony tells his children that they should focus on what they are doing right such as reading the Bible, praying daily etc., rather than the negatives of their life. Using the example of sport, he explains that if you do nothing wrong, but also nothing right – then that is not good, and there is no point. Instead, if you are struggling with any sin or addiction, always fight on offence because “the best defense is a good offence”.
Fr Anthony also indicates that reading spiritual books is important so that you can adopt positive behaviours of the Saints and Fathers before us and apply them to your life.
Ultimately, whether it be the struggle with pornography, masturbation, or any other sexual desire, individuals must not make this the focus of their life. Rather, focusing on the good in your life is an important step in making changes required for falling forwards in your spiritual warfare. A practical way of going about this is by ensuring that you constantly have good fellowship, spend time in good and edifying circles with people who are also in touch with their spiritual lives.
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