Orthodox Christian Bookstore | St Moses the Ethiopian by Palladius (Audiobook)
St Moses the Ethiopian by Palladius (Audiobook)
In commemoration of the Feast of St Moses the Ethiopian (also known as St Moses the Mighty/Black), we have shared his amazing story via audiobook (so you don’t have to read ).

St Moses was the leader of a robber band and driver of immense crime. However, he became one of the most mightiest Saints that we still remember till this day.
St Moses’ repentance and renouncing of the world did not happen over a night, but rather was a progressive journey of truly feeling remorseful, and what we describe as the 180° turn back to our original self… a 180° turn back onto the path that God initially intended for us.
His story is a true testimony that God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called! That means we can ALL be Saints! What a true blessing.