Patrology: Apostolic Fathers (2) | Part 3- Orthodox Sermons Series

Patrology: Apostolic Fathers (2) | Part 3- Orthodox Sermons Series


In his continuation of Apostolic Fathers, Fr Tadros Yaoub Malaty reiterates that the Apostolic Fathers create a link between the era of the Apostles and of the fathers of the Church.

Importantly, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers are similar to letters which are written for the pastoral concerns of their clergy and community. In fact, these writings reveal the simplicity and spirit of the teachers and the ministers, bishops, clergy members at that time – something that we ought to live by in our own lives of discipleship and being apostles of Christ.

While each of the works/ writings of the apostles are very different, they are linked together through integrity and target the issues of the Church at that specific time. For example, Fr Tadros refers to St Clement of Rome who defended the Church amid great schisms and divisions.

Fr Tadros also refers to order within the Church, particularly established through the Didache, which is known as the Lord’s Teachings Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations. He describes that the letters that were brief were not limited but rather very genuine. Fr Tadros specifies that the very essence of these letters were eschatological, meaning they were concerned with the last advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Ultimately, Fr Tadros communicates that each person has their own role and responsibility to the Church. However, what unites us and the work of the Apostles is that their pieces were centered with the will of God.

We will be posting more segments from this Orthodox sermon series!

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