What differentiates Christianity from other religions? Youth Day Q&A | Orthodox Answers
What differentiates Christianity from other religions?
Contrary to popular belief, Father Antonios Kaldas does not deem Christianity as one of the “religions”, for in this age the word “religion” has been associated with buildings and institutions merely for tax purposes. However, as Father Antonios explains, Christ came and offered His teachings as a way of life, existing, and being. Christ came to teach us that we are in the image and likeness of God, and our ultimate purpose is to be more like the image of Christ.
Yes, we might build buildings to make it easier for congregations to gather together and pray, and yes there might be a hierarchy in the church to help ensure things run smoothly. But the heart of Christianity is Christ himself – and that’s what sets Christianity apart from the other religions. By becoming man, Christ presents a totally self-offering love that no other religion offers.
Likewise, Christianity offers an emotional and bodily experience through the sacraments which are a tangible embodiment allowing us to embrace the grace of God. Above all, it is about love. In other religions, the notion of love presents itself as something that is conditional, a “if you love me, I will love you” kind of love. However, this significantly differs to that love that Christ showed us when He took on flesh as an offering to His people to become One with Him.
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